
Sunday, 14 December 2014

Pickled carrots

Pickled veggies, jalapenos, carrots are an inevitable part of Arabic cuisine .Be it in a shawarma or a kebab platter, it adds a zing to the flavour and thoroughly complements the taste of smoked meat and lifts it to a next level of taste .On one fine evening snack  Lil z was saying "Mom it would have  tasted even  better if it would have been paired with pickled carrots ".He is just crazy for it . 
When we order a shawarma he requests for an extra add of it .I had seen it on a TV show how to make pickled carrots ,so tried my hands on it and Alhamdulillah I was successful and to my surprise they tasted even better than the store bought ones .
Here's the simple way to these........


  • 1 heaped cup carrots
  • 1 tsp pepper corns
  • 1 inch ginger
  • 1/2 C vinegar
  • 1/2 C water
  • 1 tsp salt 
  • 1 tbsp sugar


  1. In a pan add all the ingredients and bring to a rolling boil .
  2. Add chopped carrots to it .
  3. Boil for  1 -2 mints and remove from  the flame.
  4. cool it to room temp .
  5. Store it in a sterilised container/ jar in a fridge.
  6. Tastes best after 2 days.


  1. You can even add other veggies like turnip ,radish etc.
  2. Always use better quality vinegar for best taste ,I have used sugarcane vinegar .
  3. Store it in a sterilised  probably glass jar as vinegar is acidic in nature for longer shelf life .

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