
Thursday 17 November 2016

Double chocolate chip cookies

Thick fudgy double chocolate chip cookies 🍪  -what dreams are made of.Soft chewy ,fudgy,chocolaty cookies with a glass of milk,I can even skip my meals for the love of it ...shhh!! .Is there any one who doesn't like chocolate ? yup ! I know one ,and it is none other than my mom😉.She hates chocolate to the core.Mom doesn't like chocolate in  any form pastries ,ice cream ,chocolate(bar).The one and only chocolate she loves in the world is  Bounty.Why???As it has coconut in it ...Hehehe see south Indian genes of course .Any thing for the love of coconut even a chocolate.If not bounty then it has to be Rafaello chocolate. The other extreme is my kids,who never approve of any thing unless it has chocolate in it 😂.Starting from chocos to the milk they have every thing chocolate flavour🍫.

As a mother I have to think of ways to keep them away from chocolate😟 .When the little one lost his tooth ,I scared him "never eat a chocolate or else you will not have a new tooth".So for a short period he had his self control over chocolate with the fear of not having a new tooth😇 . A few months later new tooth began to appear and he was happier than ever that he could eat his chocolate.So chocolate again became an inseparable part of daily life.The older one too was sailing in the same boat but as she grew up and began to read and understand nutrition in her science subject the chocolate ghost has left her and I am sure the little one too will some day know to balance his love for chocolate.Until then let me pamper him with some chocolate -nothing like parental love💖.

I often bake cookies, muffins for the snack box ,but the colour would be just brown .Once when I was casually browsing pinterest little Z saw the cookies here and was asking why the colour of cookies was so chocolaty unlike the cookies baked by me -a keen observer I must say.After doing some research with google amma the secret revealed was the coco powder used .If you use dark coco powder the cookies will have the dense colour and with regular coco powder you will end up with not so dense colour cookies.As far as the taste matters there will be a slight difference.But it is OK until you get to gobble the cookies.So this time I have used dark coco powder for the cookies.I guess its enough dose of rants for today and let us quickly move to the recipe .

Recipe for double chocolate chip cookies 

Preparation time ;10 minutes
baking time ;8 -10 minutes
servings;10- 12 cookies


  • 1/2 cup- butter
  • 3/ 4 cup-granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon -coffee powder
  • 1 1/3 cup-all purpose flour/maida
  • 1/4 cup-dark cocoa powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon-baking soda
  • 1 -egg
  • 1/4 teaspoon-salt
  • 1 teaspoon-vanilla extract
  • 1 cup -chocolate chips


1.To a bowl add soft butter which is at room temperature and sugar.whisk it until fluffy and pale.

2. Add egg,vanilla and whisk until Incorporated .Add coffee to a tablespoon of hot water and mix it well.

3.Once cooled add the coffee mixture to the batter and whisk it thoroughly .

4.In a separate bowl sieve all purpose flour/maida ,dark cocoa powder,baking soda,salt .

5.Slowly add the dry mixture to the wet mixture and bring it together as a dough do not knead it.

6.Fold in the chocolate chips in the dough.The dough will be a bit sticky.

7.To make it easily pliable place the bowl in freezer for 5 minutes .

8. Roll out the dough on a parchment paper and with a cookie cutter cut into cookies of 1/2 inch thickness.

9. Line the baking tray with parchment paper and place the cookies on it .

10. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 c for 8 to 10 minutes or until you see the edges are firmed up.

11.Cool it on a wire rack before serving. 


  1. All the ingredients used are at room temperature.
  2. You can even make balls the size of your choice and press slightly  instead of a cookie cutter.\
  3. If you like crispy cookies bake it a bit more with your discretion.
  4. The cookies will be a bit wobbly when removed after 8- 10 minutes ,but will become chewy once cooled .
  5. I have used hand blender do make the job easier but the same can be accomplished with a manual whisk too,but the later tests your patience and muscle power which sure I do lack in.


  1. I am a fan of dark chocolate - darker the better. Kids may not approve that, like F. :-P I am just like your mom - Loooove Bounty! Must say, photography is at its best in this post! Loved all of them.

    1. Me too i am in love with dark cocoa.Thank you Famidha

  2. I am totally in love with the photography in this post... the cookies look beautiful! I use Cadbury's for my baking too... Got a lot of stock when they went on sale at a really good price at Lulu, now waiting when they will do it again this year... ;) I have almost exhausted my stock. Hehe...

    1. Thank you Rafee.Agree some times lulu has jaw dropping deals.

  3. Aah even my mother is the same who only goes for Raffaello...Drooling here..just pass me some...Superb clicks!

    1. oh!! really i thought mine was the only one.Wish i could teleport you some.


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